Jan 13 2008

Recession Investing: Where to Invest When the Market is Going Down.

It isn’t a secret that the overall economy is entering into a rough patch. The declining housing market, poor retail sales, and overall debt are breaking the back of the economic machine that is the U S of A. As an investor, what can you do to protect your wealth during these hard times? First, […]

Jan 7 2008

The Leverage to Become Wealthy. Believing In Yourself to Achieve the Impossible.

You know I once asked a very wealthy VP of a Fortune 500 company what inspired him to be wealthy and his answer shocked me. “Money is a game and the man with the most notches on his belt wins.” This threw me back. I was in my late teens and wanted to become financially […]

Jan 5 2008

How to Become a Millionaire! Steps in Achieving Financial Wealth.

So you want to become a millionaire? You’ve always had the desire to be financially secure but the task seems simply overwhelming. There are a few ways in becoming extremely rich. One of them includes being born into wealth and chances are, this may not be you. Plus, you don’t have much of a say […]

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