Jul 9 2009

Housing and Banking Deception: 23,000 to 28,000 Foreclosed Homes kept off the MLS or Public View in California each Month.

The math in California housing simply does not add up.  Given the amount of sales and monthly foreclosures over the past few months, it would appear that banks are sitting back while a gigantic backlog of foreclosures grows.  A few in the media are calling attention to this obvious fraud but not many.  The California […]

Jul 7 2009

The Second Derivative: Employment and the Mounting Job Losses. Measuring the Velocity of Job Cuts in the Current Recession.

In addressing the unemployment situation it is important to look at the velocity of job losses.  In January of 2009 we had a stunning 741,000 jobs lost in one month.  This by far was the biggest one month cut during the current recession but it wasn’t the biggest one month change.  The worst month came […]

Jul 5 2009

Underwater Mortgages: HUD Announces Eligibility for up to 125 Percent Loan to Value. Why This is Smoke and Mirrors Financial Theatre.

Only a few days ago HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan announced that mortgages with a 125 percent loan to value would now be eligible for the Home Affordable Refinance Program.  I received a few e-mails from readers dismayed about this announcement since it would be troubling for the government to simply buy mortgages that are severely […]

Jul 2 2009

Employment Situation: Job Anti-Growth – A Decade with Zero Net Added Jobs. 131 Million Nonfarm Payroll Employment in June of 2000. 131 Million Nonfarm Payroll Employment in June of 2009. 6,460,000 job losses since start of Recession.

The so-called second half recovery got off to a rocky start.  The market was expecting 367,000 job losses for the month of June but instead got 100,000 more than expected.  The market quickly turned sour as 26,000,000 Americans are now unemployed or underemployed in the job market.  Yet what is even more troubling is the […]

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