Dec 18 2012

The erosion of purchasing power via inflation – Federal Reserve and the permanent portfolio.

Inflation has a subtle and quite way of eroding your purchasing power.  The process can unfold slowly and before you know it you suddenly wake up realizing your paycheck no longer stretches so far.  This is happening across the US in many ways.  Those on very tight budgets, especially those now on food stamps are […]

Dec 15 2012

New Retirement Model of Working into Old Age – Baby Boomers hitting retirement age with little to no savings.

The fiscal issues facing the country are troubling for a variety of reasons but one big reason is the reality that many older Americans simply do not have enough money to retire.  The idea of entering your golden years without the need of working is a relatively modern one.  In fact, it was the generation […]

Dec 11 2012

The food stamp economic recovery – Food stamps increase by over 600,000 in last month of data. GDP at record levels yet US employment is 4 million below start of recession.

There was a startling figure that came across my desk from the United States Department of Agriculture regarding food stamp usage in the SNAP program.  Food stamp usage has grown dramatically in the last decade even during the debt inspired boom times.  Yet the devil is always in the details as we reported with the […]

Dec 8 2012

Disappearing US labor force and goodbye to retirement – Adding 146,000 jobs while 542,000 drop out of the labor force. Understanding the changes in the unemployment rate.

The recent drop in the unemployment rate was largely due to the number of people dropping out of the labor force.  I’ve noticed that more people in the press are picking up on the important nuances when it comes to the employment figures.  For example, in the last month those “not in the labor force” […]

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