The Two Income Trap has only gotten worse: America has become a dual-income nation since one income isn’t enough to maintain a household.
America has become a nation where households depend on multiple streams of income just to get by. Many people think that having two incomes is a luxury when in most cases, you need two incomes just to get by and keep up with the rising cost of living. This is reflected in the two income […]
Crony capitalism and the rigged system: 0.01% of households gave 33% of money raised by political parties and Congressmen. Most members of Congress are millionaires.
The system is rigged. Like a carnival game, the odds are against you. This isn’t something that started this year or last, but has been going on for many decades. As long as the media was controlled in a few hands the propaganda kept most of the public in the dark. People now have the […]
Almost Half of Americans Endure at Least One Aspect of Poverty: The Hidden Recession Continues to Hit Americans Hard.
Poverty is portrayed in a very simplistic fashion in the media. It is usually something that impacts other people far removed from your immediate family. However, poverty is incredibly widespread. This shouldn’t come as a surprise. We already know that half of the country lives paycheck to paycheck and is simply one small emergency from […]
The education and employment myth: Almost two-thirds of people in the labor force do not have a college degree.
There is an ongoing perception that most of the workforce has a college degree. When we say college degree we mean at a minimum a bachelor’s degree. You would think that with $1.3 trillion in student debt outstanding a good portion of the work force would be college educated. The opposite is the truth however. […]