Jun 28 2020

Millennials never recovered fully since the Great Recession and now Covid-19 is bringing a painful economic reckoning. Half of US households own no stock.

While the pandemic has caused unrelenting and blistering damage in every segment of our economy, the pain is simply not distributed equally. Many of our essential workers are in the least secure jobs, with weak healthcare support, low wages, and ultimately are in jobs that keep them financially stuck while risking their health. What is […]

Jun 12 2020

How much does the average American family earn in 2020? Why household income figures are going to get shattered because of Covid-19 and 65 million Americans on Social Security

The typical American family was already having a tough time prior to Covid-19 and many were living paycheck to paycheck. Surveys conducted prior to Covid-19 showed that 1 out of 3 Americans were not able to sustain an emergency expense of $1,000. As many of you know, even a small illness would shatter this amount. […]

