Jun 23 2017

The canary in the asset bubble is popping: $3.8 trillion bubble that you are probably not aware of.

The death of retail as we know it is real.  People are shifting their buying habits online in a fast and furious way.  The only retail outlets that seem to be thriving are dollar stores but they are thriving because many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and online shopping is too expensive for some.  […]

Jun 15 2017

The Inflation Nightmare: How inflation is slowly consuming your income since 2000. The four horsemen of inflation include college tuition, medical care, housing, and stagnant wages.

Inflation has a slow destructive impact on your purchasing power.  Most people don’t think twice about inflation.  They just assume that the price of goods will go up because that is the way it has always been.  Yet that is not true.  The type of inflation we are seeing is debt supported inflation which has […]

Jun 11 2017

Psychologically damaged baby boomers blame Millennials for all of the perceived ills in the economy including destroying dozens of industries.

The headlines continue to rail against young Americans as if they are the primary cause for many industries going under.  Forget about the fact that companies like Amazon have shifted the way all Americans shop.  The headlines blaming young Americans are getting to the point of ridiculousness.  Baby boomers hold 50 percent of all wealth […]

Jun 4 2017

Those not in the labor force grew by 608,000 last month to 95 million: We’ve added more than 16 million people to this shadow army of non-workers over the last decade.

Another month and the army of “not in the labor force” Americans continues to grow in record fashion.  So of course, the employment rate looks fantastic when you yank out 95 million people from your analysis.  Last month a stunning 608,000 people were added to the not in the labor force category.  Sure, some of […]

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