Oct 15 2016

The Millennial Conundrum: Millennials are bogged down by massive student debt and confiscatory housing prices.

Millennials are a critical group in terms of where the economy goes in the next few years.  The economy largely relies on younger people to spend and purchase consumption items.  Think of a young couple buying their first home.  That in itself is a big purchase.  Then comes big ticket items like refrigerators, a family […]

Oct 8 2016

The Silent Majority, those Not in the Labor Force: 94,184,000 Adult Americans Not Participating in the Labor Force.

There are roughly 74.9 million baby boomers.  Then you have approximately 75.4 million Millennials.  Big groups that can sway the election.  But how many people are not in the labor force?  You have a whopping 94.2 million adult Americans that are not in the labor force.  In other words the largest voting bloc of adults […]

Oct 1 2016

The retirement gamble: 30 percent of American adults have no retirement savings. Half of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.

Retirement angst is a big deal.  It probably feels like a bigger deal since older baby boomers are now entering into retirement age in wildebeest like droves.  A time that was supposed to be spent sipping ice cold margaritas on the warm beaches of the world is now filled with working retail jobs or trying […]

Sep 24 2016

Everyone thinks they are middle class: The false perceptions many Americans hold.

We have a deeply held belief in America that if you work hard enough, anything is achievable.  This is something built into the core of our nation.  If you go back to the Great Depression, while other countries were overturning systems and shifting deeply held ideology, Americans held steady and went out and voted.  The […]

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