Global debt enters terminal velocity mode: Why central banks have no intention of slowing their public and private debt binge.
Central banks around the world are following one core mission. That mission revolves around expanding debt to goose equity markets and attempting to solve a debt crisis with more debt. Even the more conservative European Central Bank bowed down to easy digital money printing by announcing they too would follow in the footsteps of the […]
The Fed is channeling higher interest rates: Fed Committee participants anticipating higher rates and inflation already permeating throughout economy.
A market addicted to low interest rates is about to get a shock. Today our debt addicted system is accustomed to central banks providing all sorts of easy money. The market is awash with easy credit and inflation is rearing its funky head in all sorts of segments of the economy. Low interest rates have […]
The big economies cannot avoid a soft default as they face their debt reckoning: U.S. and other central banks battle it out for artificially low interest rates on unsupportable levels of debt.
Would you lend money to someone that you knew would never pay you back? The answer is, probably not unless you are okay with burning through hard earned cash. The global central banks unfortunately have entered into terminal velocity when it comes to debt support. The U.S. carries a stunning $17.51 trillion in total public […]
The global debt reckoning – Total global debt at $230 trillion. Total world debt over 300 percent annual GDP. There is no escape from a reckoning with debt markets.
Total global debt crossed a troubling event horizon by going past the $200 trillion mark last year. Given the latest figures we are likely well above a total global debt of $230 trillion based on a comprehensive study done by ING last year. The banking sector rummages for every possible way of accessing debt. Global […]