Jul 22 2015

The financial gouging of the American college student: Tuition is up 300 percent from 1990 and total outstanding student debt has grown by over 1 trillion dollars since 2000.

Inflation is such an insidious standard of living destroyer.  Little by little those dollars in your wallet get worth less and you suddenly find yourself needing to go into large levels of debt to purchase cornerstones of the American Dream.  Going to college has been the dream for many Americans after the G.I. Bill was […]

Jun 11 2015

Is college worth the 172 percent price increase over the last 9 years? The cognitive dissonance between rising tuition and falling wages.

$1.36 trillion.  That should sound like a lot of money because it is.  How much is $1.36 trillion?  Texas has an annual Gross Domestic Product of $1.4 trillion.  $1.36 trillion is the amount of student debt that is attached to millions of Americans like a financial albatross.  There is an ugly thing about this unrelenting […]

May 25 2015

Are you looking to earn low wages? A college degree might be your ticket. College earning power dwindles over the last 15 years.

We constantly hear the loud drumbeat that a college degree is your ticket to untold fortunes.  Of course we never get the detailed report showing students that are drowning in debt and also many that went to for-profit schools or pursued unmarketable majors and guess what?  These people would largely have done better by not […]

May 14 2015

Student and auto debt fuel credit bubble 2.0: Student loans carry the highest delinquency rate of all debt classes. Student and auto debt up $1.15 trillion in last decade.

A large portion of our recent recovery has come from debt fueled consumption.  The bailouts have been favorable to financial institutions but access to debt for American families has been in segments that are counterproductive to wealth accumulation.  There is no benefit in having access to cheap loans for purchasing a car, an “asset” that […]

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