Credit Cards the Opiate of the American Middle Class – The Withdrawal is in And the Wall Street Dealers are Raking in Trillions of Dollars. 2 Credit Cards for Every Man, Woman, and Child in the U.S.
If you want to know how reliant the middle class has become on credit cards all you need to know is that in circulation we have 631 million credit cards in the U.S. For a nation with slightly above 300 million people this is roughly 2 credit cards for each man, woman, and child. Credit […]
The Anti-Savings Model – Offer 0.1% APY on Savings Accounts and Charge 15% on Credit Cards. A System Designed to Punish Savers and Encourage Extravagant Spending via Usury.
U.S. Banks have a solid incentive, dipped in gold, to keep people in a perpetual state of paying rent on debt while not saving a shiny penny. In fact, their ideal state of financial equilibrium for Americans would be one in which people spent every single penny from their earnings reaching the end of the […]
631 Million Credit Cards for 113 Million Households – Credit Card Excess Contracting for First Time in 40 Years. How Plastic Hid Middle Class Financial Decay.
It is estimated that in 2010 we will have 181 million Americans carrying credit cards. Now this is interesting given that Census data from 2008 only shows 113 million households. The credit card is ubiquitous flowing through our economy like a river of easy money. Yet credit cards have become a major pitfall for many […]
The Only Certain Bet in this Market is paying Down Debt. Credit Card Rates Rise as Other Interest Rates Drop. $866 Billion in Revolving Debt Still Remains.
The global economy remains on unstable footing as we see debt problems slam the European markets with Greece in the current spotlight. Yet the problem of debt is not unique to Greece itself and it is fascinating that the world is only focusing on one country. The average American over the past four decades has […]