May 16 2020

The Long Winter: Number of people filing for unemployment insurance hits 36.4 million and unemployment rate at highest level since the Great Depression

The economic situation continues to deteriorate as 36.4 million Americans have now filed for unemployment insurance in the last 8 weeks. This is a daunting number that is down right shocking given that only two months ago, we were near “full employment” and the stock market was near all-time highs. The number of people filing […]

Dec 21 2017

Americans have no savings and with very good reason:  housing, education, and health care have seen extraordinary inflation while wages are stagnant.

It has now become a daily ritual in which story after story of broke Americans plaster the web.  Yet somehow on the mainstream press, very little is discussed about this topic.  Americans are largely broke because inflation is vey real.  Housing, education, and health care costs have soared out of control while wages have remained […]

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Oct 27 2017

The secret to the current recovery is that American households are up to their eyeballs in debt once again!  Consumer credit hits a record $3.7 trillion.

Do you notice more credit card offers hitting your mailbox?  Are you noticing more “easy financing” for purchasing a new car?  Welcome to the new recovery where spending is being fueled by consumer credit.  Once again people are spending beyond their means.  In an economy driven by consumption you need to keep people spending and […]

May 15 2017

Amazon is annihilating the Department Store faster than you think with 80 million prime subscribers: 4 charts showing the destruction of the department store.

If you enjoy the process of shopping at department stores you may want to get it out of your system sooner rather than later.  Forget about the fact that the US has built a ridiculous amount of mall space thinking that Americans were perpetually going to only buy in-person in cavernous florescent light stores.  Amazon […]

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