May 29 2011

The secretive workings of the central banking syndicate – Federal Reserve balance sheet reaches another record. Fighting monetary inflation by creating it.

Central banks provide a mystical approach to solving economic problems although they were initially created to solve short-term financial panics.  The first central bank was the Bank of England which was established in 1694.  It started out as a private institution but eventually took on a monopoly over all banks in England (all private banks […]

May 20 2011

The Federal Reserve’s elaborate financial charade on the American people – Big banks hold excess reserves that represent 10 percent of U.S. GDP. Federal Reserve has failed on largest goals for our economy.

The antics of our Federal Reserve rival those of the now disgraced IMF chief although they won’t grab as many gossip headlines.  The Federal Reserve has fashioned a system that has allowed economic bubbles to surface every very few years like high school reunions.  Bubbles are not normal.  These are financial disequilibrium events that occur […]

May 2 2011

The covert bailing out of the commercial real estate industry by the Federal Reserve. How the Fed bails out ritzy hotels and empty shopping malls on the back of taxpayer dollars.

Part of the success that the Federal Reserve has achieved with boosting up large banks stems from its secretive ability to forge shadow bailouts of residential and commercial real estate loans.  The more secretive of the previous two comes from the commercial real estate (CRE) industry.  During the height of the housing mania in the […]

Apr 15 2011

Meet the new financial boss, same as the old financial boss – Commercial real estate bailout implicates Federal Reserve as Fed balance sheet balloons to $2.7 trillion. CRE values down $3 trillion from their 2008 peak.

Commercial real estate (CRE) is still benefitting from a large shadow bailout by the Federal Reserve.  This isn’t some secretive move since the Fed actually publishes data on this and is available to anyone in the public with a desire to shuffle through the mounds of information.  There has been virtually no media coverage on […]

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