Mar 13 2010

Middle Class Americans Losing Financial Ground on Retirement – As Stock Market Rebounds more Middle Class Americans Have Less Money and Fewer Jobs. How is Health Care Spending Boosting GDP a Good Thing?

As more and more data is released on this Great Recession it is becoming abundantly clear that we have two tracks people are following.  On one track where most travel, we have middle class Americans dealing with the highest unemployment in a generation while seeing their net worth dissolve.  On the other side of the […]

Aug 16 2009

Why Budget Deficits Matter: Government at a $1.26 Trillion Budget Deficit for the 2009 Fiscal Year. Three Times as Large as Last Year and we still have Two More Months of Data.

The notion that deficits do not matter is a widely held and deeply ingrained economic philosophy.  This line of thought took a stronghold in the 1980s and has seemed to stick to our ever-growing dismay.  Yet budget deficits do matter if we are looking at an economic horizon that is longer than one fiscal year.  […]

Jul 28 2009

It’s the Jobs Stupid: Why There will be no Recovery until Employment Stabilizes. When Obvious Financial Truth Becomes Uncommon. New Nurses Competing with Old Nurses for Hours Because of Gender Unemployment.

It should be rather obvious that without any sustained job growth there will be no economic recovery.  In the same breath, you will have someone tell you that this is no common recession yet when it comes to talking about the stock market they will tell you that in normal times, stocks recover before jobs.  […]

Mar 13 2009

Where the Jobs Are and Baby Boomers: Healthcare Growth and the Feeding of a Graying Population. Is a Post-Baby Boomer Society good for our Economic Competitiveness?

Seventy-six million American babies were born between 1946 and 1960 and we call this group the baby boomer group.  Many trends can be seen coming with this group.  Major toy sellers including Mattel came about this time.  In fact, much of their success included this right timing since Mattel was founded in 1945, just in […]

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