Blame the real estate bubble on California and New York. Why the housing bubble centered around 4 states and spread across the nation. The Southwest and Florida sunshine real estate infatuation. 45 percent of foreclosure filings come from 4 states.
When we hear about the foreclosure crisis we tend to paint with a very broad real estate brush. Without a doubt the housing bubble bursting is rippling throughout the country. Yet to assume all states are being impacted equally is absolutely incorrect yet mainstream media analysis usually talks about the “foreclosure crisis†as if it […]
The great American debt purge – Americans more stressed out about debt. Mortgage, credit card, student loan, and auto loan debt up to $13.5 trillion. Average debt per household at over $120,000.
Every man, woman, and child would owe an average of $43,000 if we divided up mortgage, credit card, student, and auto debt in the United States. Of course, this is based on the current population of 309 million. But we know this isn’t exactly accurate since an infant really didn’t charge up a credit card […]
The ambiguous financial state of housing – 3 issues repeating the housing bubble mistakes; Real estate psychology, down payments required, and bring back lending responsibility to immediate areas.
The overwhelming evidence of what went wrong to create the housing bubble is irrefutable. It is clear that allowing buyers to purchase a home with little to no documentation was a bad idea. So why continue doing this today? It was abundantly obvious that zero down or low down mortgages was a recipe for disaster. […]
3 Underground Real Estate Practices Moving the Market – Short Sale Fraud, Squatter Stimulus, and Buying Before Foreclosing.
In the early days of the housing bubble here in California and other bubble states a handful of people were raising alarm bells that mortgage fraud was occurring at unprecedented levels. The housing industry initially came out skeptically stating this was only a handful of wayward people. As it turns out, it was the vast […]