Apr 28 2014

McWages for the McAmerica job recovery: The scorecard – 3.6 million higher-wage jobs lost due to recession with only 2.6 million added back. 2 million lower-wage jobs lost during recession but 3.8 million added since the recovery.

We are witnessing an economic race to the bottom. The recovery has largely been one of low-wage work. This is easily seen through the paychecks Americans are receiving. What isn’t readily visible is what is being slashed on the backend including healthcare, benefits, and the expanding impact of inflation on purchasing power. A report from […]

Apr 24 2014

The comprehensive guide on why you will never retire living the way you do: Examining the typical $50,000 household budget and why most Americans have nothing to very little saved for retirement.

We are facing an impending retirement crisis of epic proportions. The math is tough to look at. We have a growing population of aging baby boomers hitting retirement age with weak investment portfolios. Many will face increased healthcare costs since most of healthcare spending tends to hit in old age. Many older Americans are finding […]

Apr 19 2014

How many Americans live paycheck to paycheck? A nation living precariously close to the financial edge.

The fuel that drives our economy is spending. There are few nations that rival our ability to spend. We spend with the gusto of a shop-a-holic. The assumption is that we simply have the money lying around to spend at this level. That is simply not the case since most Americans are flat broke by […]

Apr 15 2014

Inflation is all around us if you know where to look: Spiking food costs, rising home prices and rents, and more expensive energy.

Inflation is accepted as a normal part of our economy similar to how we take it for granted that the sky is blue.  It is close to a religion where people simply believe that inflation is part of the economic fabric of our nation.  Yet inflation with no subsequent rise in wages is tantamount to […]

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