Low wage America: People think minimum wage is for young workers but the average age of someone on minimum wage is 36. Half of Congress is made up of millionaires.
People have a hard time understanding the vast number of Americans working in low wage jobs. There is a very real reason why dollar stores paint the heartland. We also have 46 million Americans on food stamps. One of the big issues that we will certainly hear about during this campaign season is the erosion […]
Low wage jobs and the increase in non-working America grow: Half of jobs added last month were in low wage fields and those not in the labor force jumped by 354,000.
If we look at the labor force in sheer numbers we find a couple growing themes. The number of low wage jobs continues to dominate employment growth. Of course this will only add additional burdens to an already cash strapped young American worker. Financial pundits would say any job is better than no job. Speaking […]
Top 4 largest occupation sectors in the United States all in the low wage service sector paying $10 an hour or less: What does it mean living near the minimum wage?
People have a hard time wrapping their minds around the economic fact that the top employment sectors in the United States are all made up of occupations in the low wage service sector. We define low wage as a job that pays $10 an hour or less. The press doesn’t really highlight this working poor […]
Low wage jobs dominate as waiters and bartenders will soon outnumber manufacturing jobs: Latest jobs report highlights continuing trend in low wage employment.
The trend to low wage employment continues as the latest jobs report shows that wages are being eroded by inflation. Of course, the public is told that inflation is muted but simply looking at your paycheck versus housing costs, healthcare costs, and food would tell you a different story. Americans went to vote with economic […]