Why oil is crashing and the black swan event of 2014: The price of oil is down by 40 percent in six months and hardly anyone saw this coming.
Black swan events are bound to happen in financial markets. It appeared that 2014 would be a year where stock markets gained footing in the world of supposedly low volatility until oil prices came crashing down. The crash in oil is enormous. It has sent many countries into panic mode including Russia where interest rates […]
Cascading risk and economic headwinds – 5 charts examining the coming financial challenges for the American economy. Inflation is much higher than you would expect but Federal Reserve orchestrating greatest banking bailout in history.
The American economy appears on the rugged surface to be stabilizing but only if you fail to look under the hood. Today, we have a record 46,000,000 Americans on food stamps. Many of these people were once moving into the middle class but were launched off the economic treadmill. The banking syndicate that caused the […]
No quantitative easing for oil – The Federal Reserve can digitally print money into existence but this does not create more oil. Federal Reserve has a comic book section?
The Federal Reserve continues to support a flawed banking system that has ignored the urgent calls for reform in spite of the greatest financial collapse since the Great Depression. Bankers and fellow politicians understand that each day that passes without serious reform allows one more day for the painful memories of 2007, 2008 and 2009 […]
The downsizing of America – Oil production off 1980s peak and manufactures learn creative methods of repackaging inflation.
There is a slow burn going on and it is happening in your wallet and also in the gas tank of your car. The US Treasury and Federal Reserve have made it their mission to slowly cut the value of each one of those green dollars you have. Since many Americans are struggling to make […]