May 19 2012

Using the young as a shield for hitting the deficit spending wall – the bill will come due for the young. Government spending prioritizes old American immediate needs and will send the bill to the young.

The level of government spending is mind boggling but has taken a backseat to the issues being experienced over in Europe.  We are running trillion dollar deficits as if this was somehow customary in our history.  For each dollar spent we are seeing less of a result in the real economy.  Part of the issue […]

May 8 2012

How to bankrupt a generation of young Americans in four steps – young Americans living at home surges by 50 percent from 2005.

The viable pathway for success for many young Americans seems to have gotten very narrow in the last decade.  The opportunities for many young workers have become mired with an economy that is largely in a deep recession with limited quality positions.  Many are saddled with debt and taking on employment positions that may not […]

May 3 2012

Contagion and the viral spreading of debt based systems – CEO pay at regional banks surge on average to $10.5 million thanks to bailouts while austerity is forced onto the middle class.

The biggest economy in the world just reached a new peak with their unemployment rate.  We are not talking about the United States but the massive block in the Eurozone.  The unemployment rate in the 17 country block reached a new all-time high at 10.9 percent as austerity measures are being used to combat massive […]

May 1 2012

Middle class dysphoria – What does the new American Dream look like? Inflated college tuition, lower home ownership rates, and compressed wages.

The American Dream was always tied to economic prosperity.  The ability to work and save for a respectable retirement seemed cornerstones to this vision of middle class success.  The idea that future generations would have it better seemed to also be part of this vision of economic prosperity.  The last two decades have seen a […]

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