Apr 10 2010

The $2.3 Trillion State and Local Government Debt Monster – California Pension Systems on Unsupportable Path with $500 Billion Projected Shortfall. CalPERS, CalSTRS, and UCRS.

Much of the focus on government debt over the past few years has revolved around the federal government.  No doubt, this is a stunningly large amount.  Yet the government has the ability to finance this debt through the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve with a buffet of choices.  You have direct bailouts to Wall Street, […]

Mar 13 2010

Middle Class Americans Losing Financial Ground on Retirement – As Stock Market Rebounds more Middle Class Americans Have Less Money and Fewer Jobs. How is Health Care Spending Boosting GDP a Good Thing?

As more and more data is released on this Great Recession it is becoming abundantly clear that we have two tracks people are following.  On one track where most travel, we have middle class Americans dealing with the highest unemployment in a generation while seeing their net worth dissolve.  On the other side of the […]

Aug 28 2009

Going Broke on $50,000: The Story of the Struggling American Middle Class. The $50,000 Median Household Budget.

The recent recession is exposing how many American families have been treading on the edge.  Problems were already in the system before the recession began but the downturn in the economy was the ultimate catalyst.  Many families were using credit cards as a means of supplementing a decade of stagnant wages.  The median household income […]

Aug 3 2009

The Ultimate Sucker’s Rally: Record Breaking 50 Percent Stock Market Rally in 5 Months: Extreme Market Volatility Occurs in Deep Economic Recessions and Depressions. From 676 to 1002.

Incredible.  We have never seen a stock market rally like this in all the history for the S&P 500.  In no other time has the S&P index run up nearly 50 percent in the matter of 5 months.  Extreme market volatility is the ultimate sign of market distress.  Think for a minute and ask yourself […]

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