Mar 27 2014

Can the young Atlas support the heavy burden of an aging population? 58 million Americans currently receiving Social Security Benefits. Over half of elderly beneficiaries receive 50 percent or more of their income from Social Security.

Social Security was never designed as a long-term retirement plan.  According to the Social Security Administration for elderly beneficiaries, 53 percent of married couples and 74 percent of unmarried persons receive 50 percent or more of their income from Social Security.  This is an incredibly high number that depend primarily on Social Security and also […]

Jan 28 2014

Why millions of Americans will never retire: How the prospect of retirement went from a realistic goal to an outrageous dream for most American families.

Retirement was presented to many Americans as some kind of middle class rite of passage.  It was odd to see so many fall under the spell of easy riches and generous retirement math presented to the public from the Wall Street financing machine.  Many saw retirement as a distant object so far into the future […]

Nov 22 2013

The new American retirement nightmare: Many Americans find they are completely unprepared for retirement.

Starting in late 2010, we reached a threshold where baby boomers were reaching the age of 65 at a rate of 10,000 per day.  This will last into 2030.  What was once thought of as a retirement age is no longer the case.  The body has not evolved to adapt to financial circumstances but people […]

Sep 14 2013

Pension disaster looms over the horizon: In 1980 60 percent of Americas participated in a pension program. Today it is less than 10 percent and the amount saved for retirement is startling.

Americans are on the verge of a retirement disaster.  As pension plans slowly go extinct Americans are not saving enough for retirement.  The figures point to a looming pension and retirement disaster.  Retirement for most Americans is largely a mirage.  As organizations switched from pensions to 401ks it was expected that most Americans would save […]

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