Nov 9 2008

Bear Market Rallies: Beware the Siren Call of Volatile Economic Markets.

It is understandable after the record fall of the Dow Jones Industrial Average from a peak of slightly over 14,000 in August of 2007 to a low reached last month of slightly over 8,000 that many are eager to search for a bottom.  It is a tempting path to follow especially when the market is […]

Aug 8 2008

How to Become Wealthy: Redefining the Idea of Money in Hard Economic Times.

Learning to become wealthy is hard enough during good economic times.  It may feel downright impossible when the economy hits a slump.  It is a fascinating case study the past decade we have lived in.  The concept of “money” and “wealth” and “debt” have all been used interchangeably.  I think this is a common misconception […]

Jul 24 2008

Washington Mutual: WaMu Bank Offering Great CD Rates and Encouraging People to Come in Person?

Washington Mutual, the Seattle based S & L is recently facing market stress with their second quarter earnings report showing that the company lost $3.3 billion.  Today the nation’s largest thrift sold off again on concerns that they may be losing some of their sources of funding.  The challenging aspect of this is that Washington […]

Jul 14 2008

FDIC: Punishing Savers: How the United States Encourages Irresponsible Financial Management. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

The FDIC insurers deposits at most institutions up to $100,000 for individual accounts. Many people haven’t put this to the test until the recent collapse and takeover of IndyMac Bank based out of Southern California. The bank when taken over had $32 billion in assets and $19 billion in deposits. $1 billion in these deposits […]

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