The new retirement model revolves around dying broke and realizing that the 401k model of investing is a sham for most Americans.
The new retirement model means working until you die. Most Americans are broke and living paycheck to paycheck. Yet the stock market is near a modern day peak. What is going on? Wasn’t the 401k experiment that launched in the early 1980s to replace pensions supposed to be a panacea in terms of building out […]
The standard wage for an American is $29,000: Social Security data reveals raw figures for the wealthiest country in the world.
All Americans pay Social Security taxes. So looking at Social Security for income data is fairly reliable. The new Social Security figures show that Americans continue to make a lot less than what the public tends to believe. For example, you may have seen mainstream shows with talking heads saying that someone making $200,000 a […]
Unsocial Insecurity: Social Security Fund loses money for the first time since 1983. The new retirement model will have you working until you fall over from a heart attack.
Social Security was never designed as a long-term pension. It was implemented in 1935 during the Great Depression to assist families from falling into absolute poverty. The large work force dominated by men usually meant that many would die and leave a large family behind with no financial resources. Social Security was there to protect […]
Social Security supports 1 out of every 5 Americans: Most retirees heavily depend on Social Security for their retirement income.
It is great that people overall are living longer but adding years to your life can get costly. Retirement can be a long time. For some, retirement can last as long as their working career. With a pension people didn’t have to worry about longevity as if this was a bad thing. Yet pensions are […]