Nov 28 2011

The student loan racket – For-profit enrollment growth surged by 225 percent in last decade. For-profits live off the 85 percent of revenues they receive from the government and filter out to their Wall Street owners.

The loud commotion you hear rattling the global economy is the massive debt bubble imploding.  A few notable economists have stated that too much debt is reached simply when the public acknowledges that there is too much debt.  To this point the public is now waking up to the reality that too much debt is […]

Nov 14 2011

Crisis of generations – younger Americans moving back home in large numbers. Student loan default rates surging largely due to for-profit college expansion.

The United States has over 4,000 college institutions many which have been raising tuition and fees far faster than the overall rate of inflation.  Combine this with a younger and poorer population and you have a recipe for massive debt serfdom.  As the recession drags painfully on, being the deepest and longest economic contraction since […]

Oct 20 2011

Crossing the student debt point of no return – for-profit colleges have default rates now rivaling subprime mortgage debt. $1 trillion in student loan debt on the horizon while college graduate wages fall for the decade.

The student loan market is back in the news as it makes its unrelenting march to the $1 trillion mark.  This crippling figure comes in the face of a decade of lost wages for middle class Americans.  Just like the housing bubble people were supplementing a disappearing middle class with more debt.  The allure of […]

Sep 13 2011

The $1 trillion student loan market begins to implode – Department of Education shows two-year default rates at for-profit colleges up to 15 percent. Student loan debt increasing at a rate of $170,000 per minute.

We seem to have entered an era of perpetual and unshakeable financial bubbles and the next ripe bubble to burst is in the student loan market.  Student loan debt has become the fastest growing debt sector throughout the economic recession.  Growth at for-profit colleges has been incredible and tactics used at these institutions reflects patterns […]

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