Mar 9 2014

The dual income conundrum – Americans need to work two jobs to make up for stagnant wages and the sinister impact of a middle class being eaten away by inflation.

In the United States the dual income household is the status quo.  In the late 1960s dual income households were not common.  Today however two income households are the majority largely because many Americans require two incomes just to stay afloat.  This has been labeled as the “two income trap” and in many ways, it […]

Jan 26 2014

Is the stock market overvalued by 50 percent? PE ratios out of sync with fundamentals underlying the economy. Not in labor force group in US increased by 15 percent since recession ended.

How quickly people forget financial history.  Those investing in the stock market since 2009 have grown accustomed to a market that only moves in one direction.  They are also addicted to a system built off crony financial leverage that has largely locked out the vast majority of the public.  This system has created wealth inequality […]

Sep 22 2013

How the stock market is a sham for the working and middle class. 53 percent of Americans have no money in the stock market, including retirement accounts. 62 percent of all US wealth owned by top 5 percent.

The growing wealth divide in this country is devouring every piece of the middle class that is currently left.  The stock market is largely a sham for most Americans.  Why?  Many hedge funds and other large Wall Street firms are in the business of making quick profits even if it means destabilizing the underlying economy.  […]

Sep 14 2013

Pension disaster looms over the horizon: In 1980 60 percent of Americas participated in a pension program. Today it is less than 10 percent and the amount saved for retirement is startling.

Americans are on the verge of a retirement disaster.  As pension plans slowly go extinct Americans are not saving enough for retirement.  The figures point to a looming pension and retirement disaster.  Retirement for most Americans is largely a mirage.  As organizations switched from pensions to 401ks it was expected that most Americans would save […]

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