Oct 15 2016

The Millennial Conundrum: Millennials are bogged down by massive student debt and confiscatory housing prices.

Millennials are a critical group in terms of where the economy goes in the next few years.  The economy largely relies on younger people to spend and purchase consumption items.  Think of a young couple buying their first home.  That in itself is a big purchase.  Then comes big ticket items like refrigerators, a family […]

Sep 3 2016

Americans now spend more on drinking and eating establishments than they do at grocery stores. Over 17 million kids went to college to be waiters or flight attendants.

There are many reasons why so many people now work in the low wage sectors of America.  As it turns out, the eating habits of Americans have changed dramatically.  Only in the last couple of years have Americans spent more on eating out than they do on actual groceries.  Too bad the median annual pay […]

Apr 29 2016

The Two Income Trap has only gotten worse: America has become a dual-income nation since one income isn’t enough to maintain a household.

America has become a nation where households depend on multiple streams of income just to get by.  Many people think that having two incomes is a luxury when in most cases, you need two incomes just to get by and keep up with the rising cost of living.  This is reflected in the two income […]

Dec 6 2015

We have traded building cars for mixing drinks: This year the US added nearly 300,000 waiters and bartenders, and zero manufacturing workers. Manufacturing was once 33 percent of all jobs and now it is below 10 percent.

While the Federal Reserve now looks to have the green light on raising interest rates after many head fakes, the employment report isn’t so clear.  Sure, we are adding jobs but we are adding a large number of jobs in the low wage segment of our economy.  Case and point?  Since the start of the […]

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