Millennials and Gen Z Forced Back Home: 52% of 18- to 29-year-olds live at Home with their Parents, the Highest Percentage Dating Back 120 Years.
- 5 Comment
Younger Americans face a daunting jobs market. Covid-19 has crushed the employment market especially with entry level positions and internships which are typically used as platforms into full-time career opportunities. The Class of 2020 has graduated into the worst economy in modern history. While some sectors in the economy are hiring, these jobs are a small portion of the overall economy that needs to provide opportunities to millions of recent graduates and those without college degrees. So it comes as no surprise that a record number of young Americans are now living at home. In fact, in 120 years of record keeping, we are now at the highest percentage on record – 52% of those 18- to 29-years-old are now living with their parents. That is a stunning number and has implications for the next decade of our economic growth.
Covid-19 Pushes Adult Kids to Live at Home
The Great Recession and inflated housing prices had already pushed many younger Americans back home. The number of young Americans living at home is at a record level:

This has downstream implications as well:
-How many will purchase a home?
-When people buy homes, they normally furnish it with expensive household items: fridges, sofas, etc.
-This also has implications on marriage and forming families
What we are seeing is new home buying slowing down while those with equity, for example baby boomers, are buying and selling homes at a brisk pace even in the face of the pandemic. The real estate market is being driven by older Americans, not younger Americans which is usually the case in a healthy economy.
You also have the headline grabbing challenges of student loan debt. Some $1.7 trillion in student debt is outstanding in the US. That is an incredibly high number of debt that many young Americans are carrying so moving back home with parents might be a chance to pay some of this down.
Why This Matters?
This matters in many ways because the future of our economy and how our nation develops is largely with our younger generation. What does it say that we give baby boomers a preference when they had an economy with low college tuition, plentiful jobs, a roaring middle class, and affordable healthcare? Now we seem to have college tuition at astronomical prices, middle class jobs are hard to get, and healthcare costs are out of control. Yet somehow, we still had enough to bailout Wall Street to the tune of billions of dollars yet again and somehow find it difficult to cut some slack to our younger generation in the face of this crisis.
We have some incredible challenges ahead and younger Americans need to be vocal in this discussion. Many politicians are only looking out for their own pocketbook and those businesses they have a connection with. It is time we look for supporting economic prosperity for the future generation of Americans.
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RJ O'Guillory said:
…Throw their butts out of the house and tell them to grow up. Tell them to get a job and find some inspiration in life. Tell them to start providing for themselves. What do they think we did as young kids? We worked multiple jobs, we shared apartments, we drove dependable but not flashy cars…and we didn’t need a $1,000 phone to play Solitaire on while we spend our parent’s cash sitting on our lazy butts. We worked. Grow up and go to work.
November 30th, 2020 at 11:44 am -
laura ann said:
These slacker young adults need to learn a trade and get a life, my generation didn’tlive that way, we left home at 18 either went to college or trade school. Kids today have no purpose and parents never raised them with values or work eithics.
November 30th, 2020 at 5:10 pm -
Kathleen Mary Shrum said:
since Biden is likely to end social security, it will be critical for citizens to live in multi generational housing. Other countries like Norway etc have free college, free healthcare and wonderful pension plans for older citizens. America is a failed state and the sooner the middle that is left and the ever growing number of poor people realize they are living in a failed state the sooner they can make lifestyle changes to help them survive and not feel guilty about it.
December 1st, 2020 at 7:40 pm -
Jimmy Umatsu said:
I see old crabby selfish economically clueless readers RJ and Laura missed this sentence: “Covid-19 has crushed the employment market especially with entry level positions and internships which are typically used as platforms into full-time career opportunities.”
December 13th, 2020 at 3:48 pm -
Bryan said:
Dumb boomers at top comments. A excellent Millennial strategy would be to wipe out all the old boomers and take all their assets. Guarantee boomers will get little help from younger generations cause of how ignorant they are.
March 29th, 2021 at 2:21 pm