Jun 2 2011

The financial avarice of the global banking system – U.S. banks insolvent to the tune of $3 trillion. FDIC pretends to have funds to support over $7 trillion in banking deposits.

Part of the big delusion in our banking system is the reality that debt has become a large source of money flowing through the economy.  This is why housing made the perfect vessel for Wall Street and banking speculation.  Banks create money by issuing loans and there is nothing larger to loan on than a […]

May 29 2011

The secretive workings of the central banking syndicate – Federal Reserve balance sheet reaches another record. Fighting monetary inflation by creating it.

Central banks provide a mystical approach to solving economic problems although they were initially created to solve short-term financial panics.  The first central bank was the Bank of England which was established in 1694.  It started out as a private institution but eventually took on a monopoly over all banks in England (all private banks […]

May 26 2011

The brittle financial American middle class – 50 percent of Americans would be in financial trouble if $2,000 of expenses came up in 30 days. By 2020 the world’s richest households will control $202 trillion in wealth, 4 times current global GDP.

This economic recovery has excluded working and middle class Americans which begs the question, what really defines a financial recovery?  In past and distant recoveries the economic gains were widely distributed amongst all Americans.  Most realize that income gains will never be equal simply because in a market based economy those with certain desirable skills […]

May 4 2011

Financial raiders and the loss of the American middle class. 5 charts showing the slow erosion of the middle class in America. 12 states have underemployment rates above 17 percent, insiders selling out, Great Recession in perspective, and a race to the financial bottom.

The current economy is built on a flashy digital casino interface and most of the middle class in the United States is at risk of moving backwards in the coming years.  Millions have already fallen a few rungs lower on the economic ladder.  The stock market no longer benefits the buy and hold investor but […]

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