Nov 9 2012

The rise of college students applying for food stamps – Mixing of college debt, part-time work, and food stamps. Working 40 hours a week at a minimum wage job does not cover basic costs for a college education.

The drawn out election campaign has now come to an end and very little substantive action is likely to be taken to assist the middle class.  Even more disturbing is how little attention was given to the growing number of poor Americans.  Almost 47,000,000 million Americans are now on food stamps, a record both in […]

May 24 2012

Educated and unemployed – majority of unemployed Americans attended some college. Top degrees in fields with little employment demand.

The higher education bubble is racing along to a tipping point especially when the value of a college education is now being questioned on multiple fronts.  One of the more prominent arguments being thrown around is the return on investment or value of a college degree especially when the costs of attending a private institution […]

Apr 25 2012

The young and the jobless – Half of bachelor’s degree-holders under the age of 25 are unemployed or underemployed, in the US. Social Security short fall highlights deeper reality of economy.

The news for young Americans doesn’t seem to be getting any better.  Earlier this week it was announced that Social Security will be running out of funds by 2033, three years earlier than expected.  What this means if nothing is changed is that future retirees will receive only 75 percent of expected payouts.  Not a […]

Jan 27 2012

The university of financialization – science and math graduates opt to go into the gambling fields of Wall Street banking instead of building productive jobs for society. Many non-tech majors choose lower paying fields while going into massive debt. Youth summer employment drops from 60 to 46 percent in last decade.

Going to college has always been a dream for many Americans.  Parents have high hopes for their children going to a good school and coming out with a degree that has made them more well rounded as citizens.  But this desire may not be coinciding with the marketing jargon that spews out from the industry.  […]

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