Mar 11 2010

631 Million Credit Cards for 113 Million Households – Credit Card Excess Contracting for First Time in 40 Years. How Plastic Hid Middle Class Financial Decay.

It is estimated that in 2010 we will have 181 million Americans carrying credit cards.  Now this is interesting given that Census data from 2008 only shows 113 million households.  The credit card is ubiquitous flowing through our economy like a river of easy money.  Yet credit cards have become a major pitfall for many […]

Apr 9 2009

Wells Fargo: $865 Billion in Loans. Time to Really Examine the Wells Fargo $3 Billion First Quarter Expected Bounce. $57 billion in Pick-a-Pay Loans Still Waiting.

It was rather stunning to see the market react so positively to a bank that has received $25 billion in taxpayer money turn a profit of $3 billion in the first quarter, which also included the FASB mark to market rule adjustment.  What many people have seemed to forget in the last few weeks is […]

Feb 26 2009

American Consumers Cutting up that Final Credit Card: The End of a 30 Year Consumption Era and the Nervous Breakdown of the Spending Psychosis.

Imagine sitting in a messy room.  Chopped plastic all around you as you sit there clasping a set of red scissors.  Only one more credit card sits in the middle of the room starring back at you.  Can I do it you ask?  Is it possible to go forward in life with no credit cards?  […]

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