Jan 18 2013

Is the stock market a sham for the middle class? Retail investors expected to pull out $475 billion in funds. Volatility index under pricing real risks.

The stock market is largely a source of entertainment or awe for most Americans instead of being a true source of wealth.  In the United States roughly 42 percent of all financial wealth is aggregated with one percent of the population.  One third of Americans have no savings at all so for this group, the […]

Jan 10 2013

Sequestering the working and middle class – The implications of runaway debt. GDP at record levels yet nonfarm employment is 4 million below previous peak. Trillion dollar coins. Greece unemployment reaches a new record.

Gear up those printing presses.  You might be thinking that some of the policy talk coming out today is from The Onion but no, the idea of a $1 trillion coin is being discussed.  The Federal Reserve is already very willing to become a shadow bad bank and take on all the questionable assets from […]

Jan 8 2013

Inflation by any other name – Central banks around the world increase balance sheets from $2 trillion in 2008 to $6 trillion in 2013. The slow erosion of purchasing power in the US.

The Federal Reserve has been trying with all its power to stoke inflation.  This is not the stated mission and you will not hear this proclaimed over loud speakers but if actions speak louder than words, this is the policy they are following.  Yet the Fed is picking winners and losers with their inflation targeting.  […]

Dec 21 2012

Diving into the fiscal economic mess – Fiscal cliff a reckoning for decades of poor financial management and massive debt based spending.

The media is making it appear that the fiscal cliff is a sudden event.  Like a countdown to a New Year’s party.  Yet this cliff was as predictable more than a decade ago as we spent more than we took in as an economy.  The challenge is real because our spending is so much more […]

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