Oct 3 2012

Who controls the wealth in the US? Western countries expand balance sheets at the expense of their younger population.

If the debates reflected the true interest of what Americans have on their mind the entire debate would revolve around the slow erosion of the US middle class.  Yet this is something that will only be a footnote and for any discussions that do come up the specifics will be lacking.  The reality is we […]

Sep 10 2012

Economic duplicity with low wage capitalism – Nearly half of those that lost their job between 2009 and 2011 are working in a lower wage position. The hard financial reset button.

All jobs are not created equal.  It is unfortunate that last month the drop in the unemployment rate was largely driven by hundreds of thousands of Americans simply dropping out of the labor force.  Not exactly a way to build the middle class but to many it gives the false impression that things are getting […]

Aug 31 2012

When the financial clock strikes zero – Half of Americans pass away with nearly zero wealth. The middle class has contracted by ten percent in the last 40 years.

A recent study demonstrates the precarious financial position many Americans find their lives in.  The National Bureau of Economic Research found that nearly half of Americans pass away penniless.  The exact figures were sobering stating that many of these Americans end up with no financial assets including home wealth and typically rely heavily on Social […]

Aug 17 2012

Healthcare jobs expand servicing many older Americans with little to no savings – Since the recession started top employment fields related to healthcare. Over 10 million Americans no longer in the labor force.

Get used to sluggish growth.  Although the political season is in full force and every candidate is promising you unicorns and roads to utopia if you vote for them, the reality is we have some built in challenges that neither party can easily fix.  The unemployment rate has trickled lower thanks to lower wage jobs […]

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