Jul 1 2014

Opting out of the workforce: Federal disability payments and the rise of those not in the labor force. Since 2000, those on federal disability insurance are up 66 percent while population is up 13 percent.

The number of Americans receiving federal disability payments has doubled in recent decades. One reason for this is the aging of our workforce and the reality that with older age, more health problems occur. This only explains part of it. There is evidence that 40 to 60 percent of the recent rise has to do […]

Jun 27 2014

Old, broke, and financially unprepared for retirement: Many older Americans are simply unprepared for the costs associated with retirement.

America is graying out. The massive cohort of baby boomers are now entering retirement age at a rate of close to 10,000 per day, or roughly 300,000 per month. Many are fully unprepared for the challenges associated with retiring and living a life where work income becomes a smaller source of support. The workforce during […]

Jun 15 2014

Crony capitalism and the cult of borrowing: As the banking sector is fully bailed out, Americans push aside history and begin to leverage into debt to compensate for stagnant wages.

Banking should operate as a utility by providing businesses and consumers a source of funds for projects that will add real growth in the real economy. Unfortunately, the current banking system favors speculation and banking for the sake of banking. It also favors creating a non-working class that merely lives off of speculation and their […]

Jun 13 2014

The economic war on the young: young Americans are being priced out of the housing market, pushed into student debt, and many see no growth in wealth.

The job market continues to be depressed for young Americans. As graduation season comes to an end, many are going to start getting letters in the mail from their friendly student debt service organization. Other recent graduates continue to live at home facing a failure to launch as rents rise and the prospect of home […]

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