Apr 11 2014

Goodbye American middle class: New report reveals that 62 percent of Americans earn $20 or less per hour. Household income stuck in neutral for a generation.

The latest figures from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) reveals that 62 percent of Americans earn $20 or less per hour.  And this only examines those that actually have a job.  Most of the new jobs added since the Great Recession ended have come in the low-wage segment of our economy which seems […]

Mar 25 2014

Hand-to-mouth nation: Roughly 40 percent of US households living paycheck to paycheck but two thirds of these families are not considered poor by economic definitions.

People have a hard time believing that in the wealthiest country in the world, we have close to half of our population living hand-to-mouth bouncing from one paycheck to another.  A recent paper released by the Brookings Institution’s BPEA conference shows that people living hand-to-mouth are largely those with “middle class” incomes.  Of course middle […]

Jan 18 2014

The biggest export from America? The middle class. The tradeoff for cheap goods and financial cronyism is coming back in a big way.

There is always a tradeoff in economics.  The adage about a free lunch comes to mind to the rise of low wage capitalism in America.  It is a complicated web driven by financial cronyism and a system largely driven by ignoring the plight of the working class.  The story of US manufacturing is probably one […]

Dec 19 2013

Middle class acquiesces through the looking glass of financial mediocrity: The financial system continues to pillage the wealth of working and middle class Americans.

2013 can be remembered as a year where the markets fully disconnected from Main Street.  The trickle down promises are all empty and hollow words.  For example, we had one of the best stock market rallies ever yet most Americans are not seeing any wage growth.  The housing market boomed but more than 30 percent […]

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