Aug 14 2011

The rise of the new gilded age – Massive market volatility is a dramatic sign of an unhealthy economy – 14 of the 28 biggest percent declines since 1950 in the S&P 500 have come after 2008. Two of those volatile days have occurred in August of 2011.

Massive stock market volatility is not a good sign for the economy and like an EKG is telling us something is troubling the heart of the nation.  The most tumultuous times in the stock market have occurred during times of great economic uncertainty.  August of 2011 has quickly brought back the troubling memories of 2008 […]

Aug 3 2011

The 20 year financial depression in American real estate. Why housing will remain a poor investment well into 2020.

The American housing market is floundering like a fish out of water.  The economy is puttering along as middle class Americans confront a quality of life that is declining.  Household incomes have fallen for well over a decade yet the dialogue from Wall Street and their political partners seems to focus on home prices rising.  […]

Aug 1 2011

The Retirement fantasy – middle class Americans are quickly realizing that a secure retirement future may only be a myth. Stagnant income, debt illusion, and the future outlook for working Americans.

Americans are having a tougher time finding extra disposable income to save and create wealth.  It is hard to plan for the future when you are worrying about having enough money to purchase a couple of frozen meals.  When looking at overall statistics we rarely get a glimpse at how tough things have become for […]

Jul 27 2011

How to spend $9 trillion in 10 years. How in the financial world did we end up with over $14 trillion in Federal government debt?

If we do a slow rewind back to 2001 U.S. debt stood at $5.8 trillion.  This today would seem like a bargain.  So how in the world did we end up with the current $14.3 trillion figure in a matter of ten years?  People like to ignore history but if you don’t know where your […]

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