Aug 13 2009

Stock Market Dollar Store: U.S. Dollar Down 12.5 Percent and S&P 500 Up 50 Percent since March. How the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve Juice the Stock Market.

Americans have missed one serious correction since the manic stock market took off in March.  Since that time the value of the U.S. dollar, the bedrock of our economic system has fallen a stunning 12.5 percent.  Currencies should not fluctuate this much especially the world’s reserve currency.  Back in December, I talked about how the […]

Aug 3 2009

The Ultimate Sucker’s Rally: Record Breaking 50 Percent Stock Market Rally in 5 Months: Extreme Market Volatility Occurs in Deep Economic Recessions and Depressions. From 676 to 1002.

Incredible.  We have never seen a stock market rally like this in all the history for the S&P 500.  In no other time has the S&P index run up nearly 50 percent in the matter of 5 months.  Extreme market volatility is the ultimate sign of market distress.  Think for a minute and ask yourself […]

