Dec 7 2014

Social Security helps keep half of elderly Americans from poverty: Social Security has become the de facto retirement plan for millions of Americans.

Social Security was never designed as a long-term retirement plan for millions of Americans.  Yet Social Security has become the default retirement plan for many elderly Americans.  In fact, if it were not for Social Security roughly 44 percent of elderly Americans would be in poverty.  This is calculated by how many Americans receive Social […]

Nov 15 2014

Winging it through retirement: 30 percent of Americans have no retirement savings.

Planning for retirement does not happen overnight.  You need to diligently plan and sock away savings like a squirrel stocking up for the season.  Many Americans have no retirement savings and more troubling, many near retirement face a compressed timeline where they will need to save or face a massive decline in living standards in […]

Aug 29 2014

A day of reckoning has arrived to retiring Americans: 63 percent of Americans that start working by the age of 25 will be dependent on Social Security, relatives, or charity by the time they hit 65.

The notion of retirement is a fairly new one outside of wealthy circles. For most of civilized history, people worked until they died. Not a glamorous way to go but that is simply the course of human history. Only until recently with the emergence of the middle class was there a general semblance that retirement […]

Aug 23 2014

New definition of retirement = work until you die: Half of Americans have little to no savings for what will likely be a long and drawn out retirement.

The ideal vision of retirement is one of constant leisure supported by a sizable nest egg. Building a nest egg takes decades of discipline and careful planning. Unfortunately, many Americans did not adequately prepare and combined with the casino like financial system, many have been washed out of the system. Many retiring baby boomers are […]

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