Apr 21 2014

The Fed is channeling higher interest rates: Fed Committee participants anticipating higher rates and inflation already permeating throughout economy.

A market addicted to low interest rates is about to get a shock. Today our debt addicted system is accustomed to central banks providing all sorts of easy money. The market is awash with easy credit and inflation is rearing its funky head in all sorts of segments of the economy. Low interest rates have […]

Apr 15 2014

Inflation is all around us if you know where to look: Spiking food costs, rising home prices and rents, and more expensive energy.

Inflation is accepted as a normal part of our economy similar to how we take it for granted that the sky is blue.  It is close to a religion where people simply believe that inflation is part of the economic fabric of our nation.  Yet inflation with no subsequent rise in wages is tantamount to […]

Apr 4 2014

The temporary employment recovery: Quantitative Easing and favorable banking policies creating a rising tide of temporary workers similar to Japan. Part-time workers up nearly 100 percent in US since 2007.

This recovery unlike other recoveries has been very weak in creating a large number of good paying jobs.  Corporate profits are up under a market where wages, benefits, and quality of jobs have decreased while low-wage jobs continue to be added in the tens of thousands each month.  Why the reluctance for firms to boost […]

Mar 27 2014

Can the young Atlas support the heavy burden of an aging population? 58 million Americans currently receiving Social Security Benefits. Over half of elderly beneficiaries receive 50 percent or more of their income from Social Security.

Social Security was never designed as a long-term retirement plan.  According to the Social Security Administration for elderly beneficiaries, 53 percent of married couples and 74 percent of unmarried persons receive 50 percent or more of their income from Social Security.  This is an incredibly high number that depend primarily on Social Security and also […]

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