Dec 6 2010

Catch 22 economics – The U.S. economy has 7,400,000 less workers than the peak in late 2007 yet nominal GDP is at a record. What does that mean for those without jobs?

The Friday jobs report was significant for a variety of reasons but one key theme is that it shows the true fragility of the state of the economy.  Even though it was a net add of 39,000 jobs we need to remember that the nation needs to add roughly 150,000 jobs per month just to […]

Nov 22 2010

The infection of massive global debt and the era of permanent bailouts – Global bankers on a mission to dilute currencies around the world. Ireland GDP equal to Louisiana GDP.

The problems plaguing Ireland are common and something very familiar with Americans.  Irish banks got drunk on housing bubble beer and loans were made without any actual thoughtful analysis of whether the loans would be paid back.  Now the European Union is stepping in with the IMF to bailout Ireland not because it has a […]

Nov 19 2010

When peak credit implodes on the consumer balance sheet – $1 trillion in consumer debt has been removed from the market since 2008. Only consumer debt category growing is student loan debt.

The U.S. insatiable consumer machine has reached a peak debt scenario.  Household balance sheets are simply unable to take on more debt on their already financially sore shoulders.  At the core of the Federal Reserve quantitative easing actions is the mission to lower the interest rate since consumers simply are unable to borrow more.  By […]

Nov 16 2010

California facing $20 billion budget deficits deep into 2016 – $25 billion budget deficit starring California in the face for the next fiscal year and overly optimistic economic predictions.

California, the wealthiest state in our nation is facing some Herculean financial troubles yet again.  As the elections came to a dramatic close, it was announced that a $6 billion budget deficit emerged from “miscalculations” of potential revenue streams.  The current Governor was overly optimistic in many respects including an expectation that the Federal government […]

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