Banking and Housing Payments Devoured the Middle Class Income – 1 out of 10 Americans on Food Stamps and how the Fed Slowly Devalued the Dollars in your Wallet.
It is a challenge to say that things are getting better when every month that goes by more Americans are losing their jobs or needing to apply for food assistance. In the latest data for food assistance through SNAP we find that 200,000 more Americans were added to the program. That now brings the total […]
The Devaluation and Fight for Survival of the American Middle Class – How Three Decades has Shifted the Concentration of Financial Wealth to the top 1 Percent.
The American middle class ideal is lionized around the world. It is the core of what has made this country great. The land of opportunity and endless wealth so long as people worked hard enough. It was an implicit contract workers made with this country. Well that vision is now quickly coming under attack by […]
The Unemployment and Jobless Recovery Myth – California Average Underemployment Rate for 2009 at 21 Percent. The Middle Class Destruction through Unemployment Corporate Jargon.
It is amazing how many financial analysts usually from the too big to fail banks have gone onto the media circuit to claim that employment is always a lagging indicator in economic recoveries. They preach this belief as if it were a law like thermodynamics. These same people who never envisioned a stock market collapse […]
The Rise of the Cashier and Retail Salesperson Economy – Employment and the Evolving Job Market of the United States – 8 Million Jobs Lost in this Recession but Deeper Financial Changes are Coming.
The recession that started in December of 2007 is still causing jobs losses even after 25 long and agonizing months. Most Americans still feel that the economy is deep in the midst of a serious correction. Since the recession started non-farm employment has shrunk from 138.152 million to 130.91 million. Officially over 7.2 million jobs […]