Federal Reserve System: 12 Regional Banks with 1 Central Power Base. The New York Fed. Over 70 Percent of Assets with New York Fed.
The Federal Reserve Banks are broken up into 12 regional banks across the country by geographic location. Some excellent data has been provided from certain divisions including the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank. Yet as we have found with the over 8,000 FDIC insured banks, the real power is held by roughly 100 banks. When […]
Financial Brinkmanship: Forcing Americans to Spend and Discouraging Savings. Americans Decide to Save Forced by a New Austerity. Banks Offering Zero Percent on Your Savings Account.
Spending more than you earn is a financially devastating recipe for individuals and nations. I’ve read countless pop financial books on how to gain and sustain wealth and those that have any substance always emphasize saving your money, spending less than you earn, and being prudent with your funds. In no book did I ever […]
Following the Failed Japanese Economic Playbook: 10 Charts Comparing the Japanese Lost Decade to the United States.
Even as early as last year, anyone trying to compare the circumstances of the United States with the lost decade in Japan appeared to be out of line with mainstream economist and the media. Yet if this financial crisis has taught us anything, it is that the experts can be wrong by a wide margin. […]