Aug 16 2009

Why Budget Deficits Matter: Government at a $1.26 Trillion Budget Deficit for the 2009 Fiscal Year. Three Times as Large as Last Year and we still have Two More Months of Data.

The notion that deficits do not matter is a widely held and deeply ingrained economic philosophy.  This line of thought took a stronghold in the 1980s and has seemed to stick to our ever-growing dismay.  Yet budget deficits do matter if we are looking at an economic horizon that is longer than one fiscal year.  […]

Jun 24 2009

$100,000 a Year Will Make you Go Broke with the California Tax System: Why California is a Fiscal Disaster. Broken Tax Structure built on Bubbles.

It is amazing how little attention on a national scale the California debacle is getting.  California alone is the 8th largest economy in the world and contributes $1.8 trillion a year to the national GDP.  In the mainstream press, all you hear is sound bites of “there goes California” yet the state is teetering on […]

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